John and I discussed blogging and he agreed for me to have my own “space”, FollowJM still exists and would be our archive  – a place I could revisit.

I created this blog a few days ago yet I’ve been delaying writing my first entry. I find blog introductions and whatnots the most difficult to write. So, here I am on the last day of the year thinking what do I wanna share on the world wide web.

To be honest, I’m over 2016 way before it’s done. 2016 has taught me a lot yet at the same time it feels like it just flew by. A lot of hardships, lessons, hopes and dreams happened in 2016. The best decision I feel I made this year was leaving my corporate job. Not because I think highly of myself and I see myself ballsy for making that move (ok fine, maybe I do, just a little). I am a firm believer of freeing yourself of things that made you unhappy and this year, I just proved to myself that I do not regret making that decision. I was miserable in my old work, every time I’m about to start my day – I would cry, I would feel like vomiting and I just despise the idea of going to work. That’s how much I truly hated it .The only thing that made me stay that long was John, my colleagues-turned-friends and the bosses who saw the goodness in me and kept me sane.

I still hate my idea of what I do for a living defines who I am. But I do like the idea that not even once I imagined – I am now a digital nomad. Speaking of which, I’m excited for what’s in store for me and John and our other friends for 2017. Something promising *IS* happening early this year in my work. I just don’t wanna talk about it yet cause I might jinx it. LOL. But seriously, good riddance to the work that made me unhappy. Now I see all of the great things in store for me.


I honestly do not know why I bothered creating a new blog, I wanna start vlogging but then I know how awkward I am in front of the camera – I can’t, I just can’t. And I’m liking microblogging through Instagram. But who knows, maybe I’ll start vlogging next year, eh? 🙂

For now, cheers and thank you 2016! Welcome 2017!
